
Written by Richard Kastelein.

1st Annual TV Hackfest - London, UK

Bringing Technologists & Creatives Together

October 26-27, 2024

1. Traditional TV and the Broadcasting world are facing massive disruption in the next five years as new gatekeepers enter the living room... such as CE Manufacturers with Smart TVs, Tech companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft (XbOX), Boxee, Roku etc., and Second Screen engagement and discovery tools such as the Smart Phone and Tablet.

TV is going to change - we know that. It's just a matter of how and when. Here's an example of what we see, as possible areas to develop in the future evolution as TV changes over the next decade.

The objectives are the hackathon are:

  1. To build examples of future video entertainment distribution formats, integrated with social media, gaming, interactivity etc
  2. To show how future video entertainment could be delivered within an interactive multi-screen environment
  3. To build commercially viable business models for the distribution and delivery of these future video entertainment formats.

The tasks can include:

“To develop a commercially viable video entertainment service (or app) that combines linear video, VoD (video on demand), social media, gaming, discovery and dissemination, personalization, new forms of advertising, community, tCommerce, multiplatform engagement and involves multiple screens, TVs, tablet PCs, PCs, games consoles, smartphones etc.”

The venue will be Ravensbourne, London’s premier media technology university facility, which will be available 24/7 to developers and entrepreneurs to create new TV experiences 26 / 27 October. Entrants can come in as teams or also join up with others using our hookup service prior to the event.

2. APIs and SDKs will be offered from technology companies as well as content from production companies which will allow for competitors to create new “transmedia” experiences around Social TV, Playalong TV, Search and Discovery, Smart TV, Online Gaming and other Multiplatform and Multiscreen Engagement innovations.

3. There will be three categories for winners. Winners will receive cash/product prizes from sponsors as well as have the opportunity to show their work to London-based VCs operatong in the media technology space, and the broadcasting community worldwide.

  1. Best Commercial product
  2. Best Design
  3. Best New Idea